First Name
Last Name
Which John are you most like?
John Wick
John Candy
John Daly
All of the Above
Finish the quote. "Running is a(n) _________”
New experience
Who cares?
It’s not Zumba, but it's not bad
Effective way to weed out Tactical Girth Posers.
How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
10-20 minutes
30-60 minutes
It depends on your moms snoring
I’m always ready
Describe a trip to Whole Foods.
Every Saturday after hot yoga
Pricey, but worth it
I’ll pass on the Vegan Salmon, Comrade
Trapped behind enemy lines
You have to pick a punch, which is it?
Right Hook
Upper Cut
Your Doctor says, lower your BMI. How do you respond?
BMI doesnt account for muscle mass
Keep your commie ideology to yourself
That's fake news
I'm a loyal servant of the true Golden Arches, father to a Tactical Girth son, husband to a Tactical Girth wife and I will have my fries in this life or the next
How do you deal with conflict in the workplace?
Drywall is meant to be punched
1st - Monster Energy. 2nd - Pantera.
I Identify as a threat. My Pronouns are try/me
I tell the other person to grow up and get out of my fort
What are your snack habits most like?
I pre-portion my snacks, in each pocket of my cargo pants
Trail mix, without the peanuts and raisins
I experience shortness of breath, when I run out of snacks
I eat Mini Rice Cakes and by Mini Rice Cakes I mean White Cheddar Cheetohs
How would you best describe a fine dining experience?
If it bleeds, we can fry it
I know what you're thinking, did he order 6 burgers or only 5?
Fine dining isn’t our line, we deal in combos, friend D. I have a very particular set of skills, skills that make me a nightmare for a buffet like yours
I tell the other person to grow up and get out of my fort
Why did you take his quiz?
I feel tactical
Someone called me tactical
I don’t know if I’m tactical
I want to make sure I’m tactical